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Architectural Digest

Architectural Digest

Anh coffee roastery - tự hào là 1 trong 23 quán cà phê có thiết kế đẹp nhất do tạp chí Mỹ bình chọn

an architectural beige building with piping

Photo: Đỗ Sỹ


Anh Coffee Roastery (Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam)

Opened in 2021 in the heart of Ho Chi Minh City, Anh Coffee Roastery is one of Red5studio’s latest architectural marvels. Set far back from the street, the architecture firm used its abundance of space to create an amusement park-like space with multiple levels and plenty of communal seating. Inspired by the surrounding basalt red land, the architects designed a monochromatic space that is both easy on the eyes and attention-grabbing.

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